Here you go :
Emani Vegintune-Huseni
In the krithi Emani vEgintunE in raga Huseni of Thyagaraja Swamigal's Immortal work "Prahlada Bhakthi Vijayam" Swamigal depicts the feelings of young Prahalada as to how long should he wait..It is "Viraha Tapa"
that centres the krithi..
An apt raga Huseni that depicts the feeling of seperation has been chosen by Thyagaraja Swamigal..It is filed with Karunyam
It has the following structure
Aro: S R2 G2 M1 P N2 D2 N2 S |
Ava: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R2 S
Emani vEgintunE zrI rAma rAmaO Lord rAma! With what Hope shall i keep Awake(Vegintune)?

Emani vEgintun(e)ntani sairintu
nA muddu dEvuDu nanu bAsen(a)yyayyO (Emani)
With what hope (Emani) shall I keep awake (vEgintunu)? How long
(entani) (vEgintunentani) shall I endure (sairintu)?
Alas (ayyayyO)! my (nA) charming (muddu) Lord (dEvuDu) has
abandoned (bAsenu) me (nanu).
pAliJci lAliJci palumAru kaugiliJci
tEliJci nanu para dEzi sEya tOcenO (Emani)
Having nourished (pAliJci), fondled and pleased (lAliJci tEliJci) and
embraced (kaugiliJci) me many a times (palumAru),
now did it occur (tOcenO) to Him to treat (sEya) (literally make) me
(nanu) as an alien (para dEzi)?
ADina muccaTa nAd(a)ntaraGgamu niNDan-
(I)Du lEd(a)ni(y)uNTin(i)ndAka sarivArilO (Emani)
As my (nAdu) heart (antaraGgamuna) was filled (niNDanu) with the conversations (ADinamuccaTa) with the Lord,
so far (indAka) I remained (uNTini) content that (ani) there is none
(lEdu) (lEdaniyuNTinindAka) equal (IDu) (niNDanIDu) to me among my peers (sarivArilO);
eDa bAyaka tyAgarAjun(E)lu zrI harini tolli
baDalikal(A)rci nA ceyi paTTinadi talacucu (Emani)
As the Lord is separated (eDa bAyaka) from me, with
what hope shall I keep awake thinking (talacucu) of zrI hari (harini) – one who
governs (Elu) tyAgarAja (tyAgarAjunElu) –
about how earlier (tolli) He held (paTTinadi) my (nA) hand (ceyi)
relieving (Arcina) my weariness (baDalikalu) (baDalikalArci) ?
The composition depicts a solo melancholy of a sad Bhaktha who has waited too long For Hari Darshan..Thyagaraja Swamigal ascertains the fact that there is no better boon than Hari Darshanam and no Happiness as ultimate Bliss (Moksha)..One can imagine the plight of Prahladha and the Hardships that he came through with the karuna Kataksa Of his lord "Hari"
The raga Embodifies all these values in the prayogas that involve the rishabam and gandharam to merge thus producing a Nadam that sounds like Pleading to the lord Himself..Best of all the climax by the Pitamaha-By repeating the sangathi at emani Thrice,thus making it a worth hear song..!!!
One of those hundred songs that leaves you speechless even after hearing it once..!!
Good job..!