So today's Composition is on the lord reclining near my Residence at the "Bhooloka Vaikuntam"-Sri Rangam.
Dikshithar has composed 5 krithis at Srirangam..Now for the Hearing Part.:
A Brisk rendering by the Pitamaha (SSI)
A Golden Rendition by the Genius Duo DKP-DKJ
A Soulful Rendition By MSS
ranganaayakam baavayEham
ragam: Naayaki (22)
Aa: S R2 M1 P D2 N2 D2 P S Av: S N2 D2 P M1 R2 G2 R2 S
Aa: S R2 M1 P D2 N2 D2 P S Av: S N2 D2 P M1 R2 G2 R2 S
I am not going to debate on the subtle difference between Durbar and Nayaki since my knowledge is very limited..But I wish to get into the Deep serene mode of Nayaki which Dikshithar has created..Yes a world Of Sangeetham Filled with "Sowkyam"
PallaviRanganayakam bhAvayEham ranganAyakI samEtam
I mediate ("bhavaye") on the lord RANGANAYAKA, who is with goddess RANGANAYAKI ("Sametam")
angaja tAtam anantam atItam ajEndrAdyamaranutam satatam
uttunga vihanga turangam krpA pAngam ramAntarangam shrI
He is the father ("tata") of Cupid ("angaja") and is the infinite("mananta") one.He transcends ("matitim") everything ("anta").He is the eternal one ("satatam") who is praised ("nutham") by the immortal ones ("amara") like Indra ("ajendra").He has the great bird GARUDA ("uttunga vihangam") for the mount ("turangam") and his eyes ("paangam") shower compassion ("kripa")
He is the dear one of RAMAA ("ramaantarangam").
praNavAkAra divya vimAnam prahlAdAdi bhaktAbhimAnam
ganapati samAna viSvaksEnam gaja turaga padAti sEnam
dinamaNi kulabhava rAghava ArAdhanam mAmaka vidEha mukti sAdhanam
maNimaya sadanam shashi vadanam paNipati shayanam padma nayanam
madhyama kaalam
agaNita suguNa gaNa nata vibhISanam
gaNa tara kousthubha maNi vibhUshaNam
guNijana krtavEda pArAyaNam guruguhamudita nArAyaNam shri
His divine ("divyavimanam") VIMANA is the form ("aakaara") of PRANAVA("pranava").
He is adored ("abhimanam") by devotees ("bhakta") like PRAHLADA.VISVAKSENA occupies ("samana") the foremost place as lord GANAPATI does for PARAMASIVA.His army ("senam") consists of elephants ("gaja"), horses ("turaga") and infantry ("padadi").He is worshipped ("aradhanam") by Lord RAGHAVA who was born in the solar dynasty ("dinamani kula").He is my source ("mamaka videha"), for the attainment (" sadhanam") of salvation.("mukthi")His abode ("sadhanam") is bedecked with gems ("manimaya").His face ("vadhanam") resembles that of a moon("shashi") and he rests ("sayanam") on a serpent couch ("phanipati").His eyes ("nayanam") are like lotus ("padma"). He is worshipped by VIBHISANA who has countless good virtues ("aganita suguna ganata").He is adorned ("vibhushanam") with inestimable ("ghanatara") KAUSTUBHA gem ("mani").His ardent devotees ("gunijana krta") recite ("paaraayanam") VEDAs constantly.He is SRI NARAYANA, the delight ("mudita") of GURUGUHA.
Now for my version:
The entire Krithi is filled with sowkhyam since the raga is by nature devoid of Brigas.It reminds me of the small wavery ripples on the Cauvery..Probably Dikshithar had this in his mind as well..
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The Cauvery River and a Glimpse Of the Rajagopuram |
The pallavi has a meditative structure and flows just like a river cutting across smooth caverns..And the Swara transition from Da to Pa at "NAyaki" is simple Bliss...A simple Pallavi that paves way for a more complex content..
The anupallavi lines have the famous yet unique sa sa sa Ri* Sa* Sa* combination that we also saw in Chetah Shri..The place "Satatham" (Da pa da ma pa) is cute and worth mentioning,..The lines "kripa pangam ramantharangam"(Pa da ma pa ma) have a pleasing effect apt to the lines that he is in the heart of Rama..
The Charanam goes little closer to the "Dikshithar's stamp" where he goes further to describe the structure of the Vimana --That it is in the shape of pranava in oher words "OM" .The sangathi at pranava (Ri Ma pa Da Ni Pa) is beautiful.."Ganapathi samana" brings a (Ga Ga Ri sa) different mode..He uncovers a new arena at "Mukthi sadhanam" (ni sa* Ni sa* Sa*)/..The prayoga at "Mani maya" (da Ri* sa* Sa* ri* ni)..And as every time he stps down from the top at "Padma Nayanam"(ma Pa Da pa ma ri ) the lines "Gunijanakritha.." resemble a mountain Climbing in the first half and getting down in the second half..
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"PranavaaKara Divya Vimanam" |
The entire Krithi is filled with Sowkhyam adapting to the position of the Lord Ranganatha and i Often feel atleast when i sing it..That the whole Krithi is silently accompanied by the Cauvery river moving graciously kissing the feets of the Lord..
Over all One krithi that can transform u into a completely different world ...
Dikshithar was Indeed A Wizard..!!!
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